Tuesday, November 03, 2009
When I say Airblaster what comes to mind?
Spending some time hitting the streets in PDX this week and yesterday's travels had me at the US Outdoor Store, where making a purchase choice can cause a veritable quandary, there is surely enough outdoor gear to meet any single person on the planet's need for gear. Since the last time I truly looked in every nook and cranny of the store things have changed. First of all, the amount of gear in the store this time of year is overwhelming, the assortment for the square footage is enough to wear you out just pushing back one style to see another. (This is more true on the main floor than upstairs where it is refreshingly open in comparison.) Secondly, I didn't realize there was a bargain/sale annex upstairs...maybe it's a sign of the times, but it could have also been there before.
I have to admit I didn't spend too much time on the first floor except to confirm my suspicions that outdoor still remains well, you know, the same. It was great to see Armada's new outerwear collection front and center though on the half of the store that isn't dominated by The North Face. So I rather quickly ended up upstairs this trip. I immediately found two brands that I didn't see at SIA, of course they could have been there, but I didn't see them.
That brings me to Airblaster, a brand that touts themselves as being a small company from Portland, Bend OR, Lake Tahoe CA, and San Fran CA and a sketchy RV somewhere in the great USA. Just one look at the line I was able to admire their irreverence, this is what I believe is missing in the outdoor industry where everyone takes themselves way too seriously for irreverence. (I heard one of the store employees asking another if they "had" to go to Outdoor Retailer, and when the other said no and how boring the show was, the girl who will be going lamented the same.) US Outdoor had a pretty decent size assortment of this new partially local brand, always great to see local support.
The SUMO SUIT had me laughing right away, there is something a little phallic about it, luv it!
The line is sort of a fun mix of bold 80's colorblocking with crazy bright colors, as well as a nod to classic ski styling of the late 60's and 70's. You can easily see that in the aptly named BIG SKY jacket here
Another fun style is the COLORING BOOK jacket and pant, where you can customize panels with your own fantastic creations for a a truly one of a kind look.
If I say 80's you say Airblaster....
There is not as large of an assortment for the girlies, but you gotta love the DONNA jacket and STRETCH bib, think how dry your back will stay, these babies got you covered, and I gotta say it, wish there were more brights for the chica's we like color too.
I've yet to try them on or hear anything on fit/performance, but if I do will be sure to share. Keep thinking about snow, and stay tuned for more soon!
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